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The Hot Mess Wholesale Referral Program: What’s In It For YOU?

No business is an island, right? 🏝

No business can exist in isolation; we all need expertise, guidance, and help from our fellow business owners, and hey - a few referrals don’t hurt either, do they? 

Seriously though, in this busy world of social media, where people are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages daily, social proof and word of mouth are crucial to generating leads and sustaining your business.

That’s why we introduced the Hot Mess Wholesale Referral Program.

We’ve helped thousands of boutique owners build websites that WORK, and with the Wholesale Referral Program, we can now also help them find the best wholesalers to stock their stores.

💕 Combined Social Media Influence

There’s no question about it - we are stronger together! And it’s about so much more than just publicity!!

🌍 Expand Your Audience (And Potentially Tap Into New Markets)

Partner programs like ours allow you to show up in front of our audience, make new connections and demonstrate your value without heavy marketing spend.  

🤝 Build Brand Awareness + Trust

Positive relationships between companies naturally build brand trust leading to more attention and growth for both.

Need help optimizing your website to increase your revenue?
That's what we do!

The main benefit is that we become social influencers for each other. We place our brands in front of each others’ audiences, which carries a lot of weight as we are both trusted brands with a decent following.

Additional Benefits for You!

🔴 Feature on our NEW ‘Fav Wholesalers Page’ and be in the 💡SPOTLIGHT in front of our entire audience!

🔴 Get 2 hours of Monthly Web Development to help grow your business

🔴 Offer your clients a $150 discount to book with us

🔴 Earn up to 5% commission per client referral

🔴 Feature on our blog

Who is our audience at Hot Mess Consulting?

Our audience is primarily US-based online boutique + e-commerce business owners looking to grow their businesses, improve their websites, and wow their customers with knock-out service!

With our Wholesale Referral Program, we will work together for mutual benefits for a brighter future - and what’s not to L-O-V-E about that?

We want only the best for our clients.

So we’re looking for the best of the best.

And if you are ready to leverage a powerful alliance with the Hot Mess Team - we want to hear from you - double-quick!

Shoot us an email if you're interested in joining our Wholesale Referral Program!

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